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Photo of the word Restlessness hand cut in vinyl over a sliding glass door. Presented as a banner in Casa de Los Contrafuertes for the opening of La Trienal Polígrafica 'The Hive'.
The intention is to comment on the duality that I live in my apartment. From within the exterior is perceived safe but in reality we live in times of great social unrest and insecurity. This piece also aims to play with the idyllic vision that is sold to tourists about the Caribbean in advertising media.
-La intención es comentar sobre la dualidad que vivo dentro de mi apartamento. Desde adentro el exterior se percibe seguro pero en realidad vivimos en tiempos de gran inquietud e inseguridad social. Esta pieza ademas pretende jugar con la visión idílica que se le vende a el turista sobre El Caribe a través de los medios publicitarios.