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Random photo taken while driving
The title comment about how immigrants are lured to cross over by "Coyotes" a person who smuggles illegal immigrants over the border from Mexico to the United States.
Random photo taken while driving
The title comment about how immigrants are lured to cross over by "Coyotes" a person who smuggles illegal immigrants over the border from Mexico to the United States.

This photo was presented in
The Dialectic City [Document|Context]
Curated by Carla Acevedo-Yates
November, 2011
@ Laboratorio de Artes Binarios

Francis Alÿs, Alexander Apóstol, Ivan Argote, Adriana Bustos, José Luis Cortés, David Lamelas, Jason Mena, Juan Alberto Negroni, Victor Sosa, Omar Velázquez, Norma Vila Rivero.

Taking as a point of departure this idea of movement and spatial/temporal transformation, The Dialectic City - [Document | Context] gathers a group of works from 11 artists who seize the city as site and catalyst for artistic manifestations. Directly referencing the conceptual artistic strategy of documentation, the works on display are documents implying very specific contexts, suggesting either explicitly or implicitly an action or situation that occurred in the city. They are context specific as well as time specific (Bourriaud), remnants and documents of the city, real or fabricated, continuously connoting motion, sign, and activity.